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Our story

A perfume designer must first know and analyze nature in order to create a fragrance. He should be curious, able to travel to a new adventure at any moment. It should be innovative and never like the concept of "enough". Respect for traditions and cultures.
Perceiving and defining nature with its scents from a young age, Parfumeur Gazeline Lefebre's passion for fragrance turned into a dream, and this dream took her on a journey towards the rain of mysterious clouds and the majesty of the majestic mountains.
Parfumeur Gazeline Lefebre is not a chemist or an expert who has studied molecules. There is no need for it.


He wondered why irritating smells didn't attract people? It fell on the anti-theses of offensive odors. He turned flowers, woods, leaves and spices into essential oils by distillation method and decorated his dreams with them. He tried to soften it, to dissolve it. Glass bottles witnessed a fight in every experience. He has been wrong many times, he has been disappointed. He faced the mistakes in his experiences and learned lessons from them. He did not repeat the mistakes and brought them to each new experience as an experience. Like a laboratory assistant, he observed and experienced the harmonizing of individual essences with each other.
Man differs fundamentally from plants and animals in four points. Human; It is an entity that can understand the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, fair and unjust, beautiful and ugly. Parfumeur Gazeline Lefebere focused on the aesthetic dimension of the human being, the difference between the beautiful and the ugly.
The mind is incapable of establishing a direct relationship with the outside world between the bones, but is in a position to experience the beauties of the world through the senses. Parfumeur Gazeline Lefebre was inspired by human experiences in his research and came to the following conclusion;
Individuals' experiences never occur with a single sense, all experiences take place within a hierarchy of senses. While transmitting the three senses experience to the brain, a person filters it, and smell is missing from this filtering. Humans transmit the messages of the sense of smell directly to the brain.
The new adventure of our perfumeur; Neurological effects of odors…
The new adventure of our perfumeur; Applications of scents in religions…
The new adventure of our perfumeur; Emphasis of scents in cultures… The history of scents and ancient excavations…


As a result of long studies, Parfumeur Gazeline Lefebre considered it a duty to deliver the right perfume formulas to the public's subconscious.
In the scent he first formulated, he received a reflex of calmness, calmness and trust from those who experienced the scent, as he intended, and he was admired and met with a demand.
He continued to provide this special service to the press officers, opinion leaders, public administrators and politicians of the society he was in.
Due to the demands from various parts of the world, 2021 decided to institutionalize in the last days of the year and appeared before you valuable individuals.
“Smell is tangible, circumstantial, and one of the most active experiences in conveying a particular message to the other party. If works of art are to be collected, this work of art must be fragrances obtained from natural extracts. Because while they describe the beautiful to you, they serve you to convey the right message to your addressee.”
The signatory of works of art that serve only you, Parfumeur Gazeline Lefebre takes great pleasure in painting the characters of individuals in a bottle.

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